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Bladen County Released Time is a non-profit ministry who aspires to bring hope to students of Bladen County by providing engaging environments for students to be impacted by the power of God's word. Bladen County Released Time is an affiliate of School Ministries Inc. and works with programs across the nation to provide legal off-campus Bible study for students in Bladen County during school hours. Through parent permission, no government funding, and off campus locations, students are able to legally attend Bible studies during the school day.


Our ministry has grown from 2 schools in 2011 to 9 schools and over 1,000 students. Lives are being transformed for eternity through the power of God's word. We are filled with joy and gratitude as we see His mighty work unfolding in such remarkable ways!


How do we teach the Bible during the school day?

U.S. Supreme Court decision Zorach v. Clauson (1952), allows the Bible to be taught legally to public school students under three conditions:


government funding





Bladen County Released Time receives no government funding and is funded through churches, fundraisers, and private donors.

All Released Time classes are held at a near-by off campus site. Students are transported by bus or by walking depending on the distance to the location.

Every Released Time student must have parent permission to Bible classes. This permission is given through paper forms given to the school, or online registration.

"Words cannot express the joy on the faces of new students who have never seen the inside of a church.  As a Released Time volunteer for almost 10 years, I have had the privilege of explaining the purpose of the altar and baptistry, but there’s no greater joy than in seeing them learn about Jesus. I vividly recall one student who could hardly wait until the lesson ended so she could accept Jesus as her personal savior! I thank God for this opportunity."
Diane Merritt, Released Time Volunteer
"Released Time is so much more than getting out of class and the candy you get at the end. Released Time gives everybody the chance to learn about God. Some kids don't go to church or are not able to go. But Released Time gives all kids the opportunity to go! Released Time gives me the ability to get a break from the stress of school and get my mind together. I've seen so many lives changed through Released Time this year and look for many more to come. Released Time is a blessing!"
Jeremiah, Released Time Student
Mailing Address
PO Box 1 • Dublin, NC 28332

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